E : Environmental
1. Climate Change
- Reduce CO2 Emission
- Renewable Energy
2. Investigate to use Biomass and Recycled Plastic
- Increase Recycle rate or Reduce Emission
- Biomass and Recycled Plastic
- Reduce amount of paper use by e-form
3. Water
- Reduce Water Consumption
4. ISO
- Investigate & Study ISO14001
S : Social
1. Biodiversity
- CSR Activity
- Donation Activity
- tree planting activity
2. Employee Friendly Workplaces
- Health Care Promoting System for Employees
G : Governance
1. Anti-Corruption.
- Compliance with Law and Regulation
- Implement Sustainable Procurement Method
2. Quality data protection
- HR data system
- Protect data system
3. Risk Management System
- Business Continuity Management: BCM
- Business Continuity Plan: BCP
S : Safety
1. Workplace safety
- Promote Company Safety
- Comply with ISO 45001